

vulcanizationtanks for statorproduction




A hot bath for high-quality stator production

Vulcanization baths are used to vulcanize stators needed for drill drives within the field of mineral oil and gas production.
Vulcanized rubber will be sprayed via a extruder into the stator pipe. The stator pipe then will be vulcanized in the vulcanization bath.

The advantage of this kind of production technology compared to the classic production via autoclave is, that the amount of heat inclosed
in the special gycol is much higher than the steam added via autoclave.
The result is, that the stator is heated up faster and all-over which again results in a better vulcanization and quality.

Availability of different bath sizes

Electric heating and monitoring of the heating elements

PLC control with operator panel for control and monitoring

Integrated recipe administration for the pipe and vulcanisation parameters

Accurate temperature regulation for an optimal vulcanization

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